Obese     Cholesterol      Pre-Diabetes      Diabetes      Heart      Diabetes-Complications      Gluten-Allergy      PCOS    Constipation       (scroll down for these)

(FAQs for people , who will benefit, are answered below.)

People who will benefit


with Cholesterol / Obesity / Pre-diabetes

Helps Reduction of obesity / cholesterol,Prevention / Delay of Diabetes Onset

with Type II Diabetes Helps Metabolic Control of Diabetes, Reduction of Medications, Reduction of Insulin Resistance
with complications out of Diabetes Helps Delaying and /or Management of Complications with improved quality of life
With Gluten Sensitivity, Allergy, Celiac disease Gluten free food variety for their consumption
with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea Helps in regulating hormonal imbalances
With chronic constipation Helps in regulating the bowels, helps improve bowel health


What is obesity ?

The body mass index (BMI) is a simple and preliminary indicator of one’s obesity.A person’s BMI = (Weight of a person in kg) / (Height of the person in meter )2. The interpretations of BMI are given in the table below.

BMI value Interpretation
19-25 Normal weight
25-30 Over weight
30-35 Obesity level 1
35-40 Obesity level 2
> 40 Obesity level 3

Obesity is, thus, a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Some East Asian countries use lower values.

Why is obesity so dangerous and needs to be acted on immediately ?

Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetesobstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. The American Medical Association has classified obesity as a disease.  As per World Health Organization (WHO),

  • Obesity has more than doubled since 1980
  • 9 billion adults ( about 39%) overweight & over 600 million (13%) obese as in 2014
  • In most of the world’s countries, overweight & obesity kills more people than underweight.
  • 41 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2014.
  • The overweight and obesity may soon replace more traditional public health concerns such as under-nutrition and infectious diseases as the most significant cause of poor health.

However, obesity is preventable by dietary corrections and physical activities ! It is indeed a public health and policy issue because of its prevalence, costs, and health effects. Overweight and obese people hence should wake up fast and act to reduce the obesity ; come back to / maintain the  normal BMI state & waist measurements !

How does one become overweight / obese ? Why this sudden rise of obesity ( Fatness wave ) ?

Everyone knows that if one eats more calories than one burns, then extra calories get stored as fats. This fat accumulation in body is controlled by the insulin. So when one secretes insulin, one stores calories as fat. A medical text book will tell us that insulin makes fat cells fat or in order to get rid of fat, we have to lower insulin levels. When calories (sugar) in blood go down, one starts feeling hungry. Nowadays, most people rely on more of fast foods, more and more refined carbs, softer rotis / high GI foods. Many breakfasts / snacks / main meals are composed of food ingredients, which raise blood sugar suddenly (i.e. high GI). As a result, our pancreas , if functioning well, will release more insulin to push the sugar (calories) from blood to cells; and you feel hungry again. This prompts a person to have some tea/coffee/cold drink/junk food , when it was actually not needed. Due to abundance and easy availability of foods , one does not wait a little to allow the insulin levels to come down and then release of fat to burn. This vicious circle repeats resulting in an ordinary person overeating and starts getting fatter. Hunger can also work against one when he is trying to lose weight. We could all easily lose weight just by eating less, but the less that one eats or the longer one postpones eating, the hungrier one becomes, and the longer it takes one’s hunger to subside once he begins to eat. Haven’t we all experienced this ? Hungrier we are, the more likely it is that we’ll overeat, consuming extra calories that can quickly slow or reverse our weight loss.

How to prevent / reverse the obesity ?

The Solution revolves primarily around Correcting the Food Habits. Eating provides satiety ‐ a pleasant feeling of fullness ! and the corresponding reduction of hunger is required !! But are some foods better than others for satisfying our hunger?   Having understood how one becomes fat, to reduce obesity what is actually required is to reduce the need of insulin generation. Need of insulin generation can be reduced when, carbohydrates and sugars in the food are made to absorb slowly during the digestion cycle. This action, in turn, requires that the daily food/meal habits of a person should necessarily shift to : (1) low glycemic index and low glycemic load, (2) high satiety, (3) having required amount of soluble fibres found in especially in cereals (4) good balance between carbs, proteins, fats, fibre, water … and (5) excellent TASTE … of course! (Otherwise , habit will not be sustainable, which often happens) Why habit ? Because , “to control and reverse obesity, and to maintain the same” is not an overnight job. Only when you follow the diet with above properties regularly over a long period of time, the positive results are seen. And that is why you need to form is a habit !

Does Dr. Shirodkar’s foods conform to above requirements ? Have people tried and benefitted?

Yes. Dr. Shirodkar’s special dietary foods are nothing but “A Healthy Habit in Your Daily Meals !!” offering you quadruplicate ( 4 in 1 ) benefits : Health, Nutrition, Satiety and Taste !!!!


What is cholesterol ?

Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance made by the liver and distributed throughout the body. It plays a vital role in how every cell works and is also needed to make Vitamin D, some hormones and bile acids for digestion. We get less than 25 percent of our body’s cholesterol from the foods we eat. More than 75% is made by our liver. Cholesterol actually moves through our bloodstream via lipoproteins. There are 2 types of lipoproteins, and we need them both. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) transport cholesterol around the body to where it is needed. If there’s too much this cholesterol, it may be deposited into the arteries. LDL is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol.” The other type, i.e. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) take the extra cholesterol from our tissues / cells and return it to our liver for recycling. That is why, HDL is called “good cholesterol.”

And, why and when it can be dangerous ?

The job of the arteries is to move blood from heart to all other parts of body. Too much LDL and not enough HDL make it more likely that our arteries will develop plaque, a hardened mixture of cholesterol, fat, and other elements. Thus, high cholesterol means such a condition, where one has a lot more cholesterol (LDL) in blood than one needs. Most people who have high cholesterol do not have any obvious symptoms. However, high cholesterol in blood can interfere with blood flow throughout the body due to plaque explained above, and therefore increase risk of developing heart disease and circulatory diseases. That is why high cholesterol is dangerous. A simple blood test can tell you if you have high cholesterol.As per WHO, globally, high cholesterol is the cause of One-third of ischaemic heart disease patients 2.6million deaths (4.5% of total) & 29.7million (2.0% of total) Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYS) Raised total cholesterol is a major cause of disease burden in both the developed and developing world as a risk factor for Ischemic heart disease and stroke. WHO studies have shown that a 10% reduction in cholesterol in men aged 40 results in a 50% drop in heart disease within 5 years. The same reduction in cholesterol for men aged 70 years results in 20% drop in heart disease occurrence within 5 years. This shows the criticality of attending to cholesterol !

How does cholesterol balance (HDL/LDL) go out of range ? or what causes high cholesterol ?

Primary Causes: Wrong diet habits and lifestyle are known to be the principle causes.  All of the following can either increase the cholesterol level or affect the ratio of good to bad cholesterol:

  • eating a diet high in trans and saturated fats
  • eating high carb / high sugar / junk foods /
  • not being physically active
  • being overweight or obese
  • having a large waist circumference
  • smoking

Sometimes the way we live our life can affect how our genetic makeup is expressed.  For example a diet high in saturated fat or being overweight may help “swtich on” certain genes which increase cholesterol levels. Secondary Causes: Few medical conditions and prescriptions can also affect the cholesterol levels adversely. As follows are the common causes of unhealthy blood fats (high cholesterol(LDL) and triglyceride levels)

  • high blood sugars / type 2 diabetes
  • underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroid)
  • kidney problems
  • liver problems
  • alcohol intake
  • Drugs such as diuretics, steroid hormones, immuno-suppressants, beta blockers and antidepressants

Other Causes: Cholesterol levels naturally rise with age. After menopause, cholesterol in women increases. Inheritance also leads to high cholesterol in many people.

Does Dr. Shirodkar’s foods conform to above requirements ? Have people tried and benefitted?

Yes. Dr. Shirodkar’s special dietary foods are nothing but “A Healthy Habit in Your Daily Meals !!” offering you quadruplicate ( 4 in 1 ) benefits : Health, Nutrition, Satiety and Taste !!!!